| 1. | Remainder of valid votes 有效余票 |
| 2. | Eligible candidates will receive financial assistance at a rate of $ 10 per valid vote received 合资格候选人将获得财政资助,资助额以其有效得票每票10元计算。 |
| 3. | The presiding member shall declare elected as chairman the nominee who receives the highest number of valid votes among all the nominees 主持选?的委员须宣布各候选人之中获最高有效票数的一名候选人当选为委员会主席。 |
| 4. | The presiding member shall declare elected as deputy chairman the nominee who receives the highest number of valid votes among all the nominees 主持选?的委员须宣布各候选人之中获最高有效票数的一名候选人当选为委员会副主席。 |
| 5. | If two or more nominees receive the same highest number of valid votes , the presiding member shall announce that lots will be drawn by him to decide how he shall give the casting vote in respect of these nominees 如两名或以上候选人获得相同的最高有效票数,则主持选?的委员须宣布其将以抽签方式决定如何对该等候选人投决定性的一票。 |
| 6. | If two or more nominees receive the same highest number of valid votes , the president or the president s deputy shall announce that lots will be drawn by himher to decide which of the nominees should be the presiding member 如两名或以上候选人获得相同的最高有效票数,则立法会主席或立法会代理主席须宣布其将以抽签方式决定其中一名候选人当选为主持会议的议员。 |
| 7. | If two or more nominees receive the same highest number of valid votes , the president or the president s deputy shall announce that lots will be drawn by him her to decide which of the nominees should be the presiding member 如两名或以上候选人获得相同的最高有效票数,则立法会主席或立法会代理主席须宣布其将以抽签方式决定其中一名候选人当选为主持会议的议员。 |